- The scoring scheme (1, 0, 0) maximizes the number of matches; therefore, the alignment represents the longest common subsequence for the two strings. - The scoring scheme (0, -1, -1) minimizes the number of mismaches and gaps; therefore, the alignment represents the smallest number of operations needed to transform one string into another, where an operation may be a substitution or an insertion/deletion. This is not related to the longest common subsequence. - The scoring scheme (0, -inf, -1) minimized the number of insertions/deletions. A mismatch is never used in the alignment. This can be achieved by making the score of a mismatch low enough, e.g. < -(m+n), where m and n represent the length of the two strings respectively. This is related to the longest common subsequence. It is easy to show that if s1 is the score obtained for the scoring scheme (1, 0, 0), and s2 is the score obtained for the scoring scheme (0, -inf, -1), then m+n=2s1-s2