Projects on Methodology Development
- Language modeling for biomedical text, social network, and biomolecules (DNAs, RNAs, and proteins)
- Geometric deep learning for macromolecular structure analysis
- Causal learning for conterfactual predictions and its application to precision medicine
- Date efficiency machine learning (semi-supervised learning, meta-learning, etc.)
- Uncertainty quantification for out-of-distribution predictions
- Generative AI for phenotype-based inverse molecule design
- Graph mining on signed multilayer multiplex network
- Multi-objective reinforcement learning for drug design
- Multi-scale modeling of drug-target binding/unbinding kinetics using Molecular Dynamics simulation and machine learning
- End-to-end deep learning algorithms for predicting genome-scale drug-target interactions and drug phenotypic responses
- Reconstruction of high-resoulation personalized drug-target interaction, drug response, and disease-gene association networks
through integrating multiple omics data
Projects on Translational Sciences
Alzheimer's disease drug repurposing (in collaboration with Profs.
Maria Figueiredo Pereira, Patrick Rockwell, and
Peter Serrano at Hunter College, and Prof. Li Gan at Weill Cornell Medicine)
Anti-cancer drug discovery with the focus on understudied novel targets (in collaboration with Prof. Hui Li at UVA, and Prof. Stephen Burley at Rutgers University)
Aging rejuvenation target and biomarker discovery (in collaboration with Prof. Alicia Melendez at Queens College)
Opioid Use Disorder drug discovery (in collaboration with Prof. Wayne Harding at Hunter College)
Small molecule drug design targeting human microbiome (in collaboration with Prof. Philip Bourne at UVA)
Discovery and development of annti-virulence therapies to combat pathogen drug resistance (in collaboration with Prof. Fiona Brinkman at SFU and Prof. David Perlin at Rutgers University)
AI-powered Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetics (PBPK) modeling (in collaboration with Prof. Junmei Wang at University of Pittsburgh)