CSc 83020/3D Computer Vision

Fall 2012


Course home

Outline and lecture notes





Lecture (click for notes)



We, Aug. 29


Ch. 1, 2 (Szeliski) / Ch. 1 (Trucco/Ponce)



Projection Models, Lenses / Introduction to OpenCV  (download & documentation)

OpenCVwindows.doc,  test source file


We, Sep. 5

Binary Images

Ch. 3, 4 (Horn)



Image Processing I   / OpenCVtestfile

Ch. 3 (Szeliski) or Ch. 7 (Ponce)  or Ch. 5, 6 (Horn)


We, Sep. 12

Image Processing II


Assignment 1, due (written)


Edge Detection I

Ch. 4 (Szeliski) or Ch. 8 (Ponce) or Ch. 4 (Trucco)


We, Sep. 19

Canny, Corners, Hough

Features and Grouping (Generalized Hough Transform)

Ch.4/5 (Szeliski) or Ch. 15 (Ponce) or Ch. 5 (Trucco)






We, Sep. 26
No class

We, Oct. 3


Camera Calibration , GroupingAndBoundaries

Part of Ch. 14 (Ponce), Part of Ch. 15 (Ponce), Ch. 3 (Ponce)/Ch. 5 (Trucco)


Assignment 2 due (binary) 





We, Oct. 10


Ch. 11 (Szeliski) or Ch. 11 (Ponce)/Ch. 7 (Trucco)






We, Oct. 17


Ch. 7 (Szeliski) or Ch. 8 (Trucco)
 Tomasi-Kanade paper

TK images


 Assignment 3 due (edge detection/hough)






We, Oct. 24

Radiometry and Reflectance

2.2 (Szeliski)
4.1, 4.2, 5.1 - 5.4 (Ponce) or Ch. 9 (Trucco)





We, Nov. 7

Photometric Stereo/Shape from Shading

Ch. 12 (Szeliski)

 Project Proposal due




We, Nov. 14

Introduction to 3D Vision [Reading/CVIU 2002],

Slides (from Princeton U.)

 Ch. 21 (Ponce)






We, Nov. 21

3-D/3-D Registration ICP paper, ICP slides, CVPR 2003 paper


  Assignment 4 due

Input Images

Output Images





We, Nov. 28

3-D/2-D Registration CVPR 2006 paper






We, Dec. 5

3-D modeling IntroductionSlidesPrinceton - BPASlides - VRIPslides


  BPApaper - VRIPpaper - Zipperpaper - Reed







We, Dec. 12

Classification algorithms in 3D Computer Vision (I)







We, May 9

Classification algorithms in 3D Computer Vision (II)





We, May 16

Final Project Presentations